It was once said that it's a man's world...which is probably why it's so screwed up... Welcome to Cloud 5...
Monday, 30 August 2010
I'm 20ft Tall...
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Music Fans First
For now, I'mma leave you with one of my favourite tracks at the moment by producer Zo! featuring Neo-Soul vocal heavyweights Eric Roberson and Darien Brockington and Rapper Big Pooh of Little Brother. Enjoy "This Could Be The Night"...
Monday, 23 August 2010
Lets talk about sex baby.... Cause some are clearly miseducated
We have all been there right?
Asking your mum and dad where babies come from and how the baby got in the belly? The next question: (when your in your late teens/early 20's)
Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant?>>>> O_o
I came across this moron today and I have to say I have never heard of such FOOOOLishness in my life. If this schuuuupid girl has to ask this question she shouldn't breed offspring, or even be having sex at all. I've wonder since then if she knows what protection looks like or if she has any kids. I really feel sorry for them poor kids when they want to learn about the birds and the bees. To be honest with you yes the question did shock the heck out of me but the answer was just as schuuupid.
Now, according to 'someone' (I won't name and shame, you can see this for yourself) the baby would only become pregnant IF the baby is female. Also that we must be careful for timing as your babies baby would get pregnant too!! This is called "The Double Womb Effect"
I don't know what is worst the question or the answer. The fact that someone entertained this question makes me think that it is a joke. If this is serious then oh very dear.
Just for the record for those who don't know. NO your baby cannot conceive their own child while still growing in you.
For more enlightening information/education please visit my website:
Below is the link to the “discussion” itself:
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Slam Dunk-Da Funk
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Welcome to the planet
We write to entertain... Welcome to cloud 5
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